Project partners will present the project outcomes, mainly LIRE Toolkit for teachers nad LIRE Practical Workshops for Teacher Training Providers at the final multiplier event called LIRE Dissemination conference which will be held on 9 – 10 June in Senec, hotel Senec, Slovakia. LIRE Dissemination conference will be a part of part of international conference Teacher Is Not Google 7. Michaela Sepešiová, Paweł Scheffler, Pavla Buchtová and Miloš Blahút will introduce the LIRE project and deliver a talk Extensive reading or how to work with texts in a foreign language in and outside the ELT classroom about the benefits of reading in and outside the classroom. Eva Skočíková and Anna Lallouet will hold a workshop Development of reading literacy in foreign languages: practical work with graded readers to demonstrate working with graded readers Granny Fixit and Pirate and Harry and Egyptian Tomb in English language classes. All teachers are cordially invited. For more detailed programme click here.