Since September 2020,  Jan Amos Komenský  Primary School in Sered in partnership with three universities with an international reputation in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Poland, primary schools in the Czech Republic, Poland, and a renowned publishing house in Slovakia have started the implementation of the international project LIRE (Language Interpretation through REading).

The project aims to combine different methods to strengthen the professional teaching profile to help change foreign language teaching through extended reading to an exciting adventure for students.

Research shows that students who read a lot become better readers, have better writing quality, improve their language skills, and enrich their vocabulary. The LIRE project will equip teachers with comprehensive methods and tools to support and enhance their teaching practices.

 What have we done in the project so far?

At the end of the year 2020, partner schools from Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland conducted a questionnaire survey among pupils and teachers to assess the level of their knowledge and skills regarding English reading. Based on the survey results, the universities from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland and publishing house Raabe prepared a design (format, structure and topic areas)  of the first intellectual output (O1) – LIRE Toolkit for Teachers. They have been working on the first version of the methodological guide for English teachers since January 2021. This version will be presented to other project partners at the 2nd Transnational meeting in Slovakia.

More details about the Questionnaire survey

  • The survey was conducted among 97 pupils and five teachers in Primary school in Sereď, 95 pupils and five teachers in Tišnov Elementary School, and 47 pupils and 5 teachers in Public Primary School in Poland.
  • Teachers’ answers have shown that less than 50% of them used graded readers with their pupils somehow. Working with graded readers is an excellent way to improve pupils vocabulary, pronunciation, and reading skills and motivate them to learn English.
  • Concerning the preferred types of books, the results were as follows: younger pupils would prefer stories about animals closely followed by adventure stories, majority of older pupils would choose adventure stories to read, followed by animal stories, love stories, stories for teenagers and crime stories.

 More details about the first version of LIRE Toolkit for Teachers

The toolkit will be divided into a theoretical part and a practical part.

The topics of the theoretical part will cover not only the following areas:

  • The importance of reading in TEFL (What is reading in TEFL)
  • Developing autonomy and critical thinking
  • Incorporating reading into the curriculum and motivation 
  • Methods, tools and techniques while applying reading
  • Structuring the reading-oriented lesson plan

The methodological part will focus on how to work with selected books (twelve ones for now) for A1 and A2 (CEFR) levels. The variable lesson plans, activities and ready to use handouts will be prepared for the teachers of primary and lower secondary levels to be used with the pupils. There will be many suggestions for linking CLIL and critical thinking development with reading. Moreover, teachers will find helpful ideas to activate pupils with special educational needs.

New partners have joined the project

 What is going to happen next in the project?

In the following period, we will prepare for the 2nd Transnational project meeting, which will take place in Bratislava in Slovakia in September 2021 or virtually via ZOOM, depending on the COVID situation. At the meeting, partners from universities will introduce the first version of a created methodological guide for teaching – LIRE Toolkit for Teachers (O1) to all partners. The plan for piloting at primary schools will be discussed and prepared. Hence, partners will agree on developing the 2nd intellectual output – training programme for teachers LIRE Practical Workshops for Teacher Training Providers (O2). During autumn 2021, partner schools in each country will test and evaluate the methodical materials in practice. Based on their suggestions and commentaries,  a final version of the 1st intellectual output will be prepared.

Where can you find us?

More information about the project LIRE and what is currently happening is available on our official webpage and on our Facebook profile:

And as Maya Angelou says, “Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him.”

(Retrieved April 14, 2021,